Cảm biến đo Momen xoắn loại trục không quay (REACTIVE TORQUE SENSORS, NON-ROTATING) hãng Lorenz Messtechnik GmbH
Non-rotating torque sensors (reactive or static torque transducers) are generally used for reaction measurements in most varying applications. They are wear-free and, like all of our torque sensors, designed in such way that the limit shear force and the limit thrust load, indicated in our technical data, only have minimum strain on the sensor element and thus do not affect the measurement result.
By default, our sensors provide an analog, unamplified strain gauge bridge output signal in mV/V.
Optionally, our reactive torque sensors can be supplied with an extended temperature range of -30°C up to 120°C.
Typical applications for this type of transducer are for example reaction torque measurements on extruders, test bench applications, screw driver testing, determination of bearing friction torques … .